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    Ways of Learning about the Social World

    University: Bucks new university

    • Unit No: N/A
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 7 / Words 1756
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: FY026
    • Downloads: 119


    Social world is commonly used term that is used by the people to address the group of people who follows similar culture and practices. These people are connected to each other and not bound by physical boundaries. This is important for individual person to know about the social world (Andersen and Collins, 2015). There are different ways that can be used in order to develop better knowledge about the social world. There are various concepts and views are required to get more aware of the social world. To understand social world, there are some perspectives that need to be considered to overcome the complexity of the knowledge that needs to be developed. To learn about social world, it is important to know the basic concepts that can help the individual to know about the practices that are followed in the social groups. Apart from this, learning can be more improved by implementing practical learning with in the process, which is only possible by experiencing the concepts of sociality. The concepts of gender and ethnicity also will be discussed in the report. In this process, there are two different perspectives are considered in this study to learn more about the social world. By considering topic gender and ethnicity, knowledge of social world can be improved. By taking the real-world experiences, this knowledge can be more enhanced.

    People live in societies and there growth and development are only possible with living in the social world. When a person is living in social world, then it is important for them to know about the different concepts of social world and on the basis of these knowledge, people can look for better lifestyle in the social system. Gender is a concept of characteristics that is developed socially to differentiate between man and woman. On a general basis, it is a concept that differentiates the male and female but from a social perspective, it also represents role and relationship of people in groups of men and women. The role and responsibilities of people change with change in society (Richie, B., 2018). This concept was developed centuries ago and it was developed by people on the basis of their role in society. To better know about society, it is important to know about the basic of it. Basically, society is considered as the group of male, female and transgender people. This genders are classified based on physical structure and their individual characteristics. There are also different symbols are used by people to show difference between these genders. By knowing this concept, people can easily understand their role and responsibility in societies.

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    This is interesting to know about this concept of gender in order to know the structure of society. To understand the impact on culture on the different levels of society, it is important to know more about the role of gender in social culture. The role of different gender are not ideal in all conditions but it changes with different societies. On different locations, the roles of male, female, and transgender. On the global scale, genders are classified in three categories on the basis of their physical structure and behaviour. There are different issues people are facing due to the restrictions that are made conceptually by people, and these restrictions are preventing the overall growth of people around the world (Davenport, 2016). As per global scale data, there are more women living in poverty compared to men. This data is representing how the different status of male and female is different in the society. In society, the role of people is dependent on their gender. This is main difference between the male and female in society. On the physical structure, people are differentiating the roles of men and women; this classification or allotment of roles is not dependent on the capabilities or skills. It is completely based on the concept that is coming from centuries.

    This can also be understood by different examples of the real world. The societies are mostly male-dominated. In most societies, women are pressurized by the opposite gender. This is not because of tradition, but it is all about the mentality of both genders. The mind set and thinking process of both people from different gender is completely different. To make effective changes in the roles of people in society, it is required to make effective changes in the basic concepts that are provided to the younger generation in the form of culture. There are different positive and negative examples that can be taken in order to understand the real concept of gender. The societies are considering both emotional and ethical concepts to improve the social conditions in societies. There are different concepts that need to be updated with the changes in society. People have different opinion about the concept of gender. Some of them are favouring the perception to make changes in the current situation in social world that possess various positive and negative facts. But some of the people are suggesting to keep the current system that defines the concept of man and women. There are many cases there that represent the domination of men over women (Healey, Stepnick, and O'Brien, 2018). These cases are not frequent now days because, with the initiative of different people, these problems of gender discrimination are continuously reducing. There are some movements trending on social media that are providing support to the female community to improve their status in society. In so many cases, women have filed false cases that are the result of aggression and other purposes. This is important for people to create a positive environment that can enable them to establish gender equality in society (Brown et. al., 2016). This is how the social world and its limitations and problems can be understood through learning the concept of gender. The current situation of current society can also be understood and understood with proper knowledge of society.

    The main problems that are associated with gender discrimination are: unequal pay is a major problem in business organizations; sexual harassment in the workplace; and fewer opportunities. There are as per a data which was published in year 2018 the women get paid 80% of what men get paid. As per a survey in 2018, 38% of female employees are facing sexual harassment at work. In business organizations, women are promoted 5% less to the position of CEO. This can be used to prove the problems that are faced by women in the workplace.

    Ethnicity can be considered the belongingness of an individual person to a social group. As we know, humans are considered social animals that live in groups of people and carry different emotional connections with other people in the group. This groups are basically known as social groups or societies. The impact of individual society is huge on the person who lives in it. The culture, tradition, and other practices that are followed in the groups define them as a society. The basic concept of ethnicity can be considered as the tendency of the people to live in society and need some sense of belongingness. The people are categorized on the basis of the community in which they are living. The classification of people can be based on culture, tradition, race, nationality and religion (Rosenthal, 2016). The growth and development of a person are done in the same group and society. People are taught with standards of societies from the beginning about the culture and society they are living in. This is how the basic development of a person occurs in society.

    This can be both positive & negative, and it depends on what kind of practices they used to follow in the particular group. If the practices used in the individual culture are good and effective and defined to make a better society, then it can affect social worlds positively. But the negative factors present in current societies need to be addressed to get a better response and develop ethical conditions in the society (Young, 2017). The identity of individual person is associated with the group they are living in. so this is important to improve the traditions and practices of these societies to develop environment that is good for all. The importance of ethnicity can be understood in different ways. The ethnic identity of a person cannot be changed; it can only be diluted. It is completely immutable for everyone.

    The main problem in this case is all about the domination of different groups of people on each other for different purposes. In many countries, people are fighting over religious and territorial issues that are created by themselves. This condition needs to be improved. Many people are working to improve this conditions around world. Also, there are some organizations that are working for human rights in these areas (Quinn and Cooc, 2015). There efforts are completely targeted to improve the social world. This is how people and various societies are working in order to develop better practices that can reduce the violence on the basis of race, religion, gender and social status. In some countries, people are facing different issues that are associated with racism. There are 20% racial incidents are increased in Scotland. Anti-religious statements and discrimination are examples of ethnicity issues around the world.


    This report is concluding the importance of gender and ethnicity in the social world; these factors are studied on different levels of society to improve the conditions that are affecting the social lifestyle of people. Assignment Help & free grammar check are useful in enhancing the analysis. The concept of gender has been evaluated in the report to get better ways to learn more about the social world. There are different real-life examples that have been studied to understand the current situation of gender discrimination issues in different places. Apart from this, the concept of ethnicity and examples related to it are studied in the study.

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